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When Garmin Catalyst leaves time on the table
Last year I ran both a Garmin Catalyst and an AIM Solo 2 DL/SmartyCam for the full season in my car. I also worked with many drivers that had one system or the other, so I had a lot of time to compare systems and how drivers used them. Here are my key learnings about…
What data system do I need? Part 2
This time I’ll look at the mid and low range approaches for data systems. Mid-Priced System/Garmin Catalyst I’ve seen this run anywhere between $700 and $1000. It comes with a camera and display with all necessary mounts and cables. Advantages: Mid-range price, automatic identification and “coaching” on improvement opportunities, very easy install and operation, no…
Why should I drive in the rain?
I often work with drivers that question the value of going out in the rain. Some feel that driving in the rain isn’t valuable as they won’t set a personal best in the rain and it isn’t anything like driving in the dry. Recently I spent two days driving hard in the rain to polish…
What data system do I need? Part 1
I’m frequently asked about what data system to buy. The answer to quote Ross Bentley is, “it depends.” Let’s first look at the high end offerings — Advantages: Can be hardwired, Can read CAN bus data, Good video quality always synced with data, Video with overlays available immediately without additional work, Dedicated analysis SW for…